We can, we will.

We are a country of unity in diversity and we celebrated our unity in this time of disaster.

We stayed together and sent the message to all the doctors, para medicals, policemen, govt officials, different kind of people putting their lives in danger, working for us.

We said “thank you, all of you” to them with this small act of kindness.

That’s really a visionary thing to do as a nation.

It was indeed required in this “one of the lowest time for humanity” on the planet earth.

In fact, even if we say “thank you” to them every single day it will still not be enough for what they have done for us.

Just lights are not enough.

But now that we are all bubbling with emotions, patriotic from inside, thinking about so many things at the same time, lets address the real elephant in the room –

How many kits and medical equipments did we actually delivered to our doctors and medical staffs?

How many para medical staffs, policemen, govt officials got extra remuneration?

What did we do for them in real sense physically, as a nation?

Aren’t we a nation which could provide basic amenities to it’s champions? We can, right?

Our real life supermen on the street need their suit, guys.

Our Captain America needs his shield, man.

Our Ironmans on the street need their armour.

Lets request our decision makers to kindly provide these things to our real life superheroes at the earliest before its too late and half of the humanity is vanished.

Lets do this as well, together.

Together we can, together we win.

– Rahul Singh